Hello this is Chris Williams, today we went on a walking food drive. Also we went to grocery stores to collect food as well. I guess i was a creep today in the stores by saying "I'll see you on the way out" to two ladies. Also we played a simulation of being a migrant worker it was pretty fun and challenging. I will blog some more when I get the chance.
-chris williams
Today was very interesting. We saw shirtless people, little kids, and very generous people. At our Market we got to hold a little boy, by the name of Johnathan, and talk to some pretty fantastic people. Pretty successful day, today, because we collected a TON of food! Will blog later.
- Hannah Lockemy
Hey today we got the chance to collect food items on a walking food drive and at a grocery store. It was really fun. Bellingham has such beautiful neighborhoods and people were very generous. I saw the most adorable little baby boy ever. His name was Jonathan I got the chance to hold him and take a picture with him. He didn't want to go back to his mom.
-Maria Zarate
Today we played a migration game. I saved up all my money to get to the U.S. On my way over I got caught by border patrol and was sent back to Mexico with no money, no land, and no family. Couldn't imagine that happening in real life.
Also, during tabling, when we collected cans outside of the grocery store, a teenage boy walked in with sagged pants and baggy clothes. I gave him a sheet of what we were looking to have donated and on his way out he donated a bag of flour. Just goes to show not to judge a book by its cover.
-Tony Chynoweth
Hello fellow Enumclaw people this is blogger B (Bubba). Today in Bellingham our groups started the day going out to neighborhoods to collect food supplies. Lets just say my team got very competitive and in the end we're proud to say we went out there and came back with food to give to our cause. After that we moved onto grocery collecting! You would never imagine the feeling inside when you see people donating bags or some food, giving you a smile. While others may give us the cold shoulder and chose not to be apart of it, there are those who choose to be apart of it. So with our smiles and kind hearts we stood there and collected as much as we could! Then we all raced on home and had a "simple dinner" which in fact is vegi soup, i'm not gunna lie, I'm going to miss my usual snacking of hot cheetoes at home! The best part of our day today is the "migration game". To sum it all up we played a very inspiring story of those who have homes in Mexico, their farms that they work their buts off, to not only make money to pay bills and get food but to pay for family members to get to the other side, America. Where most seek work and I guess you could say refuge to help their families and keep them alive.
In my eyes I see it as a tragic story, where people work extremely hard just to survive. And it hurts so much to see that they are alone because if people succeed in crossing the borders and make money, they get here alone, with nothing but the hope that God and their family will keep them going and get them through the challenge. We all want to help but where to start? What can I do? A question to ponder tonight as I go to bed. As for tomorrow I'm glad to say that we're going out early in the morning to help the migrant workers. That is definitely a start. Well i'm ready for bed, goodnight!(:
Blogger B is out.
Pictures and more to come tomorrow as we step into Migrant Immersion Day!
Good night,
Your Agape Team!