
Welcome to the Sacred Heart Youth Ministry blog! Here you will find posts, reflections, and pictures from current and past Mission Trips. We have worked with the Agape Service Project and Esperanza International throughout the past 3 years.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Agape Day 4

So over all the whole day was absolutely amazing! We got to set up and work the food bank all day. I got the opportunity to work at the toy section today.  To see all the young kid's excited faces when they would wait in line to get their toys they wanted was great. When we were first setting up our section, there was a family who got there early and there was this boy named Benito. He was so excited, and since he got there early, we let him scope out the toys. It was really neat seeing the joy on his face and the joy he brought to all of us setting up. He also had two cousins who showed up early with him named Daniella and Julia.  They were so much fun getting to read to them and seeing the anticipation they had in their eyes while waiting in line.  Overall, the effort that everyone put in was fantastic. I know we were all tired and worn out, but everyone just had an extra energy to converse with the kids and families and maybe help them out a little more! While working the bank, a guy came around and gave us ice cream that he made himself and it was absolutely fantastic!  It was a treat for us!  Also the church we were at for the food bank made everybody hot dogs which was a great treat since by then we were all so hungry. The day was a success and a great experience.  I am so happy that I got to go through it.
<3 Jess Snoen

Well, today just seeing the faces of the people when we gave them some food was pretty fantastic. People looked uncomfortable at first, but then later on they got more comfortable.  They were smiling and sort of giggling while listening to us try to translate English into Spanish.

Hey, dad. Google the word Azucar, on Google translator. (:
- Hannah Lockemy

At the food bank, I got a hold of Regina's camera and took some pictures. It gave me a chance to observe everything that was happening at the same time. Everybody was occupied with the people whether it be servicing those going through the line or just playing with children. I really felt like we could not have served enough people. There was almost a dullness when in the down periods and everyone was on alert. Working the canned bean station, I can say I wish we had given more. Our group collected so much for this food bank and what was left over could easily stock it for several weeks in the selective stations. The storage shack started the day half full and ended up packed because of the food donated by Sacred Heart. I honestly enjoyed it very much overall. The whole week has allowed me to understand how food drives work. From now on, I will see them differently.
- Tim Dion

Sacred Heart kids are amazing!  You should have seen them serve over 80 families (representing nearly 500 people) today.  They greeted each family with a smile and generously filled their boxes with much needed supplies.  While the adults were gathering food items from some youth, other youth helped children pick out toys and books.  Our youth made meaningful connections with these families.  

During reflection time, our Sacred Heart kids shared many examples of how they saw Jesus today in their experiences.  They each were able to articulate specific examples of this to the entire group.  I believe this mission experience will "forever change" how these youth will lead their life.
-Mike Nelson

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